Seed pods and seed beads

I’ve been beading a lot lately…a habit I picked up from my mom at an early age. There’s really no coincidence that it’s what I’m drawn to in my studio right now.
I’ve been beading a lot lately…a habit I picked up from my mom at an early age. There’s really no coincidence that it’s what I’m drawn to in my studio right now.
It is Dr. Seuss day and I am reminded of one of my favorite books from my childhood. I was 8 when I started filling out this book by ME, Myself.
I remember counting windows (51) in my house, the number of forks (32) we owned and that we had 52 pictures on the walls. And, since I now live in the same house that I did when I was 8 and filling out this book, I wonder what’s changed….
If you have kids in the house who love Dr. Seuss (and really, who doesn’t?!?) and might be a bit bored, or needing something to do, I highly recommend this book. It will keep them busy, allowing you some likely needed down time.
And night.
It’s my moms birthday today. She would have been 77, and just over 6 months since she died unexpectedly.
The first day of spring. Today. Or, at least it used to be..the earth shifted? Something to that effect….The equinox. The egg balancing. A new birth for me. A new season. Onward I trudge at times. Onward I go. Just like the sun. I arise. “Way to lean into that shit.” The most honest words from a friend.
Plowing through I go. On so many levels. Snow. Earth. Grief. Sorrow. Quilts. Paperwork. Emails. For my moms taxes.
The snow melts and freezes around the car tires. Frozen in place.
Hello Moon.
Goodnight Moon.
Hello Sun.
Listening to the wind…
The fire rages again.
The earth isn’t happy, she’s on fire after all.
I see the fires burning in my friends.
Wanting to help blow the prevailing winds another way.
” How can we help?”
The masses cry:
“What can we do?”
“Stop,” I say. “Be still. Listen.”
Listen to the wind.
Stay strong, upright.
I am stronger because of you.
Wind clears my head and spirit. A big, dust out of the closets sorta thing.
Finding my path clear.
My journey.
Feel the fire.
Embrace the wind.
Be the light at the end of the tunnel. The god damn tunnel.
Breathe deeply.
Hold your head high.
Fly in the wind.
Enjoy the dance, like a kite in an ocean breeze.
I never took chemistry.
My locker during a of year of high school was right across from Rogers room.
We became hallway friends, and later, bonded over chocolate and The Grateful Dead.
As it turns out, he was also friends with my husband, through different means.
For our wedding, he gifted us a 3-D view of life and living.
I like to think he and my dad are enjoying great conversations together, wherever they are…
When leaving Laramie for my 2nd Desolation River trip, I had no clue it would turn out to be one of my favorite trips of all time. It had nothing to do with the actual river. That part of each trip is usually my favorite. This trip was different from the word go. Small talk flew out the truck window within minutes of starting out. We had amazing conversations all the way across the states we traveled. These continued on the raft as we marveled at our surroundings, wondering which came first, the chicken or the rock. We laughed until we cried. I had just lost my father, so other times I just cried. I couldn’t have asked for better friends on this trip if I had tried.
I often work on more than one sculpture at a time, as reflected in this image I took in my studio while working on Rooted and Wyoming Constellations.
Organization is key on a long trip in the desert. I love it when everything is color coded and has a specific spot on each raft. Atmosphere Mountainworks always plays a big part in my trips. They have the best bags and have fixed my tent zipper more than once. I also have one of their bags that I have dedicated to just art supplies for my rafting trips.
This cat. He just walked along beside us while we hiked to a sweet little spot in Veedauwoo for a picnic.
This cat has an amazing human.
Full moon walks with his cat in an empty field near his house.
Cat camping, no leash, just him and the cat, sleeping under the stars.
So cool.