This is my “Dinosaur Mosaic” line. Get transported back millions of years with these unique handcrafted pieces.
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Think of a time, millions of years ago, when global warming was the norm. The current global warming debate is not the issue here. Yes, the world is probably warming, but the world was extremely warm for most of the earth’s existence. Should we unreasonably pollute, should we contribute? Definitely NO. But, having excavated fossils with paleontologist friends for 3 decades, I know that even Wyoming was very warm, even semitropical, for millions of years. We are currently leaving the last ice age, a period roughly 15,000 years ago, which saw vast glaciers extending into much of the lower 48 states. I am simply creating joyful art from a time when the earth was much warmer when large ice caps didn’t exist when shallow seas extended into much of what we now call the USA. What can I say? I like water and I’m an artist. My father, husband, and close friends are scientists. And we find a common ground in these works. Enjoy!