Jodie Atherton Blog

inspiring tidbits about my life and art

A Vote for WY

Listening to the wind… The fire rages again. The earth isn’t happy, she’s on fire after all. I see the fires burning in my friends. Wanting to help blow the prevailing winds another way....

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In Stereo

I never took chemistry. My locker during a of year of high school was right across from Rogers room. We became hallway friends, and later, bonded over chocolate and The Grateful Dead. As...

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Environmental Art

Orbis Sculpture by Aurora Robson 2011, 24"  24" x 24", plastic debris (PET), aluminum rivets, tinted polycrylic + mica powder When I first ran across this sculpture, I immediately...

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Bonding on Blue Boats

When leaving Laramie for my 2nd Desolation River trip, I had no clue it would turn out to be one of my favorite trips of all time. It had nothing to do with the actual river. That part...

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Rooted in Wyoming

I often work on more than one sculpture at a time, as reflected in this image I took in my studio while working on Rooted and Wyoming Constellations.

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