It was -12F when I left for the grocery store this am. The trees and plants are glistening in hoarfrost and are incredible. I could easily spend all morning playing with my camera outside. Instead,...

inspiring tidbits about my life and art
Wild rose walk.
I for one am happy to have fresh snow to walk in.
Seed pods and seed beads
I've been beading a lot lately...a habit I picked up from my mom at an early age. There's really no coincidence that it's what I'm drawn to in my studio right now.
It is Dr. Seuss day!
It is Dr. Seuss day and I am reminded of one of my favorite books from my childhood. I was 8 when I started filling out this book by ME, Myself. I remember counting windows (51) in my house, the...
It’s officially spring.
Or is it April Fools Day? You never really know here. Snow is forecasted for tonight. However, any sign of spring is welcome, especially the first blooms of my garden.
It is National Crayon Day. What could be more fun than a day dedicated to crayons?!? It's what's on the inside that matters when it comes to this piece titled, "Grace". The real life Grace is one...
I had a Dream.
I dreamed I was in my parents’ kitchen, with both of them. I was hugging my mom. And gave her a kiss. She said, “Don’t forget about your dad. I then gave him a big hug and a kiss too. He didn’t say...
My mom’s birthday
I shed tears this morning. Noon. And night. It’s my moms birthday today. She would have been 77, and just over 6 months since she died unexpectedly. The first day of spring. Today. Or, at least it...
Fall Colors

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