Listening to the wind… The fire rages again. The earth isn’t happy, she’s on fire after all. I see the fires burning in my friends. Wanting to help blow the prevailing winds another way....

inspiring tidbits about my life and art
In Stereo
I never took chemistry. My locker during a of year of high school was right across from Rogers room. We became hallway friends, and later, bonded over chocolate and The Grateful Dead. As...
Environmental Art
Orbis Sculpture by Aurora Robson 2011, 24" 24" x 24", plastic debris (PET), aluminum rivets, tinted polycrylic + mica powder When I first ran across this sculpture, I immediately...
Bonding on Blue Boats
When leaving Laramie for my 2nd Desolation River trip, I had no clue it would turn out to be one of my favorite trips of all time. It had nothing to do with the actual river. That part...
Rooted in Wyoming
I often work on more than one sculpture at a time, as reflected in this image I took in my studio while working on Rooted and Wyoming Constellations.
Everything but the Kitchen Sink.
Organization is key on a long trip in the desert. I love it when everything is color coded and has a specific spot on each raft. Atmosphere Mountainworks always plays a big part in my...
Yes, I went on a hike with a cat…
This cat. He just walked along beside us while we hiked to a sweet little spot in Veedauwoo for a picnic. This cat has an amazing human. Full moon walks with his cat in an empty field...
Rivers and Tides – Ode to Andy Goldworthy
Andy Goldworthy has long been my favorite landscape artist. I have watched his award-winning documentary, "Rivers and Tides" numerous times. I love that it is a quiet film...letting his...
Won’t you be my neighbor? Oh wait, you are!
This is Jenn. Jenn is Rad. She is patient, kind and encourages everyone she meets to be a better version of themselves. Jenn smiles and laughs more than anyone I know. On this day, we...

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