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Summer Waves

Water. Wave. Wood.

I tend to search out objects on trips and later incorporate them into my artwork. Such is the case with this base. It is burled wood from near the Salt River on a whitewater rafting trip in 1993.  I met my best friend on that trip and still keep in touch with many of the friends I met on that adventure. That’s how it is.

Things get noticed, picked up, and thought about, displayed as natural art in my house for years, and then it becomes my art.

The torso takes the form of waves, reminding me of summer waters, running deep with murky silver and grey highlights.

River rocks are part of life on the river, mother nature moves them around in the river and creates rapids as a result of massive rains/floods. Just as life has sent me my floods of emotions, I can choose to re-arrange the rocks accordingly and change them to better serve my needs.

The torso is held up by a paddle shaft, which was broken while rafting Cache la Poudre River in Colorado.

© 2014 Jodie Atherton

Summer Waves

Ceramics, broken paddle, drift wood, rocks, acrylic and oil paint, silver luster

8 x 5 x 12 inches
