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Contemporary Shoreline


Sand, where the ocean and shells meet…
Modern tides on National Shorelines crest and swell…

Oil and water don’t mix
Oil tankers taking a corner too fast, spilling their contents near our rivers.
Ocean liners dumping trash into the ocean a mile from shore is “common practice”.
Where does it all go?

My hometown had to fight to protect the aquifer.
Really, a battle to protect clean drinking water for our community?

Floating down and in rivers that lead to the ocean, even rivers in landlocked states in the middle of the united states, our trash ends up in the ocean.
We are not immune to polluting the seas. No one is.
The great garbage patch. More plastic than fish. Why is this ok?

The petroleum it takes to bottle water. To make the plastic bottles. To wrap said bottle with a plastic label. To wrap the case of bottles in plastic. To deliver said water across the country and world. All this for less than 9% of all plastic produced to be recycled.

The transportation of goods back and forth across the world, harvested in one country, sent to another for packaging and then back to yet another to sell.

What about supporting the local farms? The local artists? Donating or giving away things you don’t want or need instead of throwing them away… I am not naive enough to know there is no perfect system or solution at this point. Wishing whole heartedly that there were better solutions.

Hoping for a way.

A way forward, together.

© 2023 Jodie Atherton

Contemporary Shoreline

51″ x 22″ x 21″
