This is how I’m spending my Saturday, or Caturday as it were. Snuggled up in a sleeping bag, day dreaming about camping, watching a few snow flurries and reading on the couch with my cat Nkatsana....

inspiring tidbits about my life and art
Shooting stars in the desert
It’s good to go on holiday – aka vacation. To get away from the everyday and be reminded of the magic The magic of sunsets in a new place The magic of afternoon naps in the...
Whirlpool not on the range
Success! The Whirlpool is now in a metal recycling bin! We can do it! And we did, by coming together as a community. So happy to have friends who "give a hoot"!
Whirlpool on the prairie
So, there I was, grateful to be walking on the prairie. Enjoying the whole expanse to myself, just me and a dog. Not a soul in sight. Anyone who knows me knows I am passionate about...
Gifts to give
My art is myself. So personal. From deep down within. My deep love for the way I see the word. They way I wish the world really was at times. Dancing. Blue. Water. Freedom for all....
Prairie Glass Necklaces
Prairie Glass necklaces
River Dreams
It might be winter, but I'm dreaming of rivers today. Desolation Canyon
A walk near the Laramie river to collect willow branched for a sculpture.
Istanbul Spice Market
This spring, I was lucky enough to go on a trip to Greece and Turkey. I never thought I would end up in either place this lifetime, but I am so glad I did. I saw and experienced so much in such a...

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